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Dr Anthony Fauci, head of the US CDC, said,

50% of deaths in the United States occur in haircuts.
The biggest danger comes from the barber shop itself.

The most dangerous Corona outbreak is from barber shops.

The barber wipes the nose of at least 4 to 5 people with the same towel.

Haircut towel, haircut razor,
Haircut brushes are used by many people.

The barber is in contact with many people,
If we come in contact with an infected patient, the ticket will definitely be infected.

Before the virus has completely disappeared,
We don't even think of going to the salon to get a haircut.
Even if the situation returns to normal,
The threat remains.
This danger will last for a long time.

Don’t rush for a haircut 💇‍♂️ M/F
on 12may.

Stay safe Stay healthy

... no haircut until zero cases to be sure lor. Save money also. 🤣🤣🤣